LIU Programs
Alternate Education
Provides an educational option for students who are unable to function in the regular school environment due to learning, behavior and counter productive relationships with peers and authority figures.
Autistic Support (AS)
Serves children diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorders.
Children’s Home of York Educational Program
Serves children in the shelter and diagnostic treatment units
Emotional Support (ES)
Serves children unable to function in regular classrooms because of inappropriate behavior, severe emotional and/or behavioral problems, and inability to develop adequate interpersonal relationships.
Extended School Year (ESY)
Provides educational services beyond 180 school days to students with disabilities who qualify through the IEP process.
Hearing Impairment & Deaf (HIS)
Provides diagnostics and instruction by classroom or itinerant teachers to develop expressive and receptive language, auditory, visual and academic skills for students with hearing loss. Hearing loss ranges from mild to profound, interfering with communication.
Learning Support (LS)
Serves students with average intelligence, severe difficulty with basic learning skills, limiting ability with oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skills and comprehension, mathematics calculation and reasoning.
Life Skills Support (LSS)
Serves mentally challenged students who educational programs require the teaching of basic life skills and prevocational/vocational training.
Multi-Disabilities Support (MDS)
Serves students who are physically and mentally challenged. Students work toward independence and daily living skills.
Neurologically Impaired (NI)
Provides special classroom services to students who have a neurological impairment as determined by a neuropsychological and team evaluation. These students qualify because they exhibit severe academic, sensory motor and/or language disorders.
Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD)
A disorder characterized by limited social interactions and repetitive behavior patterns.
Physical Disability (PH)
Orthopedic or other health impairment, requiring special class room accommodations and educational program.
Preschool/Early Intervention
Provides assistance for the young child with disabilities, which includes a developmental screening program, diagnostic/evaluation services, instructional programs and related support services. Parental involvement encouraged.
Respite – W. Market St, York
This is a day care service that is arranged and provided by MHMR. It provides parents with special needs children a service for a set number of hours each month. This service includes overnight care. Although the Unit is not involved in arranging this service, they will provide transportation to and from respite for students who are in LIU classes.
Speech and Language Impairment (S/LI)
Language, voice, fluency or articulation impairments, affecting communication.
Visually Impaired & Blind Support (VIS)
Provides diagnostics and instruction to develop use of residual vision, magnification equipment, coping adaptations, auditory and academic skills for students with visual acuity problems through classroom or itinerant teachers and orientation mobility specialists. Offers Braille transcription/transliterating services.
Work Experience Program
Coordinates services of the Work Experience programs to disabled students in special education programs throughout the LIU
Yorkshire Center
Serves students in Life Skills Support programs, Multi-handicapped support programs in York County, Preschool diagnostic clinic, office for itinerant support personnel.
York County Youth Development Center Education Program
A 24-bed secure detention center and a 12-bed shelter located on Heindel Road, York